Presented here are some of my favourite projects
Project Planner is a small test project created with React, Redux, Thunk, Firebase, and cloud functions to create a web application where users can sign up and create projects and see when other users create projects. Visit the site to try the project today.
CrowdStart is a Kickstarter clone built as a decentralized application that leverages the Etheruem network. The webapp was built with Next.JS, Semantic UI, Web3.JS, Truffle.JS and I used Solidity to write the Smart Contract. Tested with Mocha.JS
A Redux Application that leverages the public ImgFlip API to generate memes based on the text you enter.
Task Manager is a full stack web application that allows you to create & manage your tasks, leave comments, and see your progress. The backend API was built with Nest.JS and TypeScript using the Repository pattern, and React, Redux Thunk, TypeScript, and Sass for the frontend.